Ministry To Men’s GroupsRev. Bill Banuchi’s message to the men of the Church is about integrity and servant leadership. His passion is to see the men of the Church rise up to take their positions as servant-leaders, to lead in love and integrity, first in their personal walk, then in their marriage and family, and then in their community and nation.
He charges the men with the welfare of the next generation, and many respond by giving their hearts and their lives to Jesus; others come forward for a renewed commitment to do “whatever it takes” to lead in love. Here’s what one pastor had to say about Bill’s ministry at a men’s retreat: It is encouraging to us, as pastors, to see such a tremendous response in these men: some have joined small groups since returning; some have reached out lovingly to their wives seeking to follow through on your second session. We are pleased with the forward momentum this retreat helped to give to the Men’s Ministries of Hawthorne Gospel Church. –Kevin Jezequel, Pastor of Nuture & Outreach. To have Bill come and speak to your men’s group, just call our office or e-mail Bill at [email protected].